04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness
13/06/2024 CosmeticBusiness

CosmeticBusiness Retains its Strong Market Position in 2024

The 2024 edition of CosmeticBusiness featured busy aisles, a productive working atmosphere and all kinds of professional discussions. Numerous decision-makers from the cosmetics industry and its suppliers gathered at the MOC in Munich for two days to discuss trends, innovations and new projects. At this international supplier event for the cosmetics industry, 418 exhibitors from 23 countries presented their new products and solutions in the categories of ingredients, manufacturing and packaging. An extensive conference programme was held in the INNOVATION CORNER with top-class speakers such as Alicia Lindner from BÖRLIND and Birgit Huber from IKW and was very well received by visitors.

CosmeticBusiness 2024 impressed exhibitors and visitors across the board. "Despite the effects of the floods in Bavaria, we can look back on a very successful industry event that reflected the high relevance of CosmeticBusiness for exhibitors and visitors alike. Once again, visitor quality perfectly matched exhibitor expectations. This is a decisive factor in ensuring the trade show is a success for participating companies," emphasises Markus Geisenberger, Managing Director of Leipziger Messe. "Munich is a perfect location for CosmeticBusiness. Here, we can provide the ideal environment for decision-makers from the cosmetics industry to make new contacts, discuss specific projects and place orders. This is only possible here and ensures the event remains a truly international supplier show."

High International Participation and Many New Exhibitors

Under the motto "Where Beauty Starts", 418 exhibitors from 23 countries presented the full range of products and services needed to develop new cosmetic products in three fully booked exhibition halls. Visitors from 47 countries had the opportunity to experience exhibits from the entire value chain all under one roof, covering everything from manufacturing to packaging. For the first time, more than 40 per cent of exhibitors came from outside Germany.

Inspiration was also provided by over 40 new suppliers who were represented in all exhibition categories and in the extended Start-Up Zone in the INNOVATION CORNER. A total of eight young, dynamic companies from Germany, Austria and the UK took the opportunity to present their innovative products and solutions to an international audience of experts. These included André Lang-Herfurth, Director of Marketing & Sales and Co-Founder of zerooo, SEA ME GmbH: "As designers of a reusable system for cosmetics retailers and drugstores, it is so important for us to convince both brand and retail partners of the idea to retain resources within fully closed cycles. CosmeticBusiness was the ideal platform to present our concept and hold further talks. It was fantastic that we were able to give a presentation on stage. After the presentation, my colleagues didn't have a minute to spare and spent the entire day talking to interested visitors. This confirms the relevance of our solution and that CosmeticBusiness is the ideal platform to make it accessible to everyone."

Positive Feedback From Exhibitors and Speakers

The vast majority of exhibitors surveyed said that attending CosmeticBusiness 2024 was extremely worthwhile for them. In the survey conducted by independent market researcher Gelszus Messe-Marktforschung, 89 per cent rated their trade show attendance and the achievement of their objectives as positive. The professional qualifications of the visitors were classed as particularly high by 96 per cent of exhibitors. Overall, nine out of ten exhibitors expect good business from the trade show.

Cavit Onur, Brand Owner Manager at Holmen Iggesund, concludes: "CosmeticBusiness is an important get-together here in the Munich area where we can meet both regular and new customers, have discussions, work on current issues and initiate new projects. Our aim was to make contact with more brand manufacturers than last year. We succeeded on the very first day, which we were thrilled about. Compared to other trade fairs, CosmeticBusiness is more intimate, easier to find your way around and quieter. This also means we can take the time to go into more detail during meetings. In terms of quality, it's not just a case of seeing and being seen, but also of talking about specific projects.”

Bettina Barlog, Senior Business Development Manager Beauty Care, SEPPIC GmbH, points out: "For us, CosmeticBusiness is an important local trade show where we can reach our customers from the DACH region. Every year we meet up with established customers as well as making new contacts. A major advantage of CosmeticBusiness is the broad visitor base. Here, we meet not only raw material manufacturers but also packaging suppliers and contract manufacturers. All in all, we again had many great conversations and are very satisfied overall. The atmosphere here is always very pleasant and we can find the time to chat with colleagues in the industry."

First-time exhibitor Gustav Grolman was also very pleased with the visitors to his stand. "We are exhibiting at CosmeticBusiness for the first time this year and we have already had many conversations at our stand with more appointments still to come [...] There are mostly medium-sized and small customers here. It's a perfect fit for us as I much prefer ten small customers to one big one," says Sabine Schlöglmann, Technical Sales Manager Personal Care, Gustav Grolman Group.

Holger Weidl, authorised signatory at Frapak GmbH, is also very satisfied. "Here, 80 per cent of visitors know what they want. We don't often experience that at other trade fairs. I've been with Frapak since 2008 and was involved in CosmeticBusiness right from the start. It is such a well-designed show and this is exactly where our customers are. We would like to see more trade shows like CosmeticBusiness in other countries. We are delighted!"

The conference programme with more than 20 presentations provided inspiration on both days of the trade show. Dr Mark Smith, Director General of Natrue, gave a presentation on the topic of anti-greenwashing guidelines. "I am at CosmeticBusiness for the first time today. It's a very lively show and seems to be very busy. I have already seen many experts and familiar faces. Some of the other trade fairs don't seem to be as dynamic as this one. The advantage here is that you also have the packaging and contract manufacturers. So CosmeticBusiness is basically a one-stop shop for everything you need, especially for the German market. [...] I personally love the way the stage is integrated into the exhibition hall. I've been to shows where you had to walk for ages to get to the stage. Here, you can just drop by. It's a great way to integrate it."

Positive Mood and High Proportion of Decision-Makers Among Visitors

One in four visitors came from outside Germany and overall the visitors also gave CosmeticBusiness 2024 top marks. In a survey conducted during the event, nine out of ten respondents said they would recommend the next edition of CosmeticBusiness to others and attend the event again. The number of top decision-makers was also high. Two in three visitors to the 2024 event significantly influence purchasing decisions in their companies.

This year, the top objectives named by visitors included maintaining business contacts, general market orientation and exchanging experiences and information. Overall, the industry outlook for the next 12 months is optimistically stable.

CosmeticBusiness 2025

The next edition of CosmeticBusiness will take place from 4 to 5 June 2025 at the MOC in Munich. Rebooking has begun and the first stand spaces for CosmeticBusiness 2025 have already been sold.

About CosmeticBusiness

CosmeticBusiness is the only international trade show in Europe where the cosmetics industry meets exclusively with its suppliers and finds solutions for the development of all cosmetic products, from active ingredients to manufacturing and packaging. As the only industry meeting place in Germany, the largest cosmetics market in Europe, the B2B trade show exhibition is a trend barometer for decision-makers from management, product management and development, marketing, as well as purchasing and production. The next edition of CosmeticBusiness will take place from 4 to 5 June 2025 at MOC Munich.

Press Release: Final Report CosmeticBusiness 2024 (DOCX, 109 kB)


Nicole Wege
Press Spokesperson
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