What do German consumers think about the essentiality and sustainability of cosmetics?
- 06/06/2024 | 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
In recent months, IKW has commissioned several studies to find out consumers' attitudes towards cosmetics and sustainability.
The study Hairstyle & Dignity - What would life be like without hair care? looks at the question of how important is hairstyle and hair care to people. What significance do hair care products have in certain everyday situations? And how much does the hairstyle influence the human feeling of dignity?
There are simply products that people are reluctant to do without. And these include some cosmetic products. A morning without a shower and shower gel? Or a summer without sun cream? For many, that would be unimaginable. Why this is the case was the central question of the IKW study "Cosmetics as essential everyday companions"
Unlike just a few years ago, we encounter the topic of sustainability everywhere today. Whether in business, society or the environment - people are increasingly concerned with sustainability. Many are already trying to live more sustainably. With the IKW study "Cosmetics and sustainability - what makes Germans tick", we wanted to find out to what extent people are succeeding in changing their previous lifestyle habits. And above all: to what extent this also affects the cosmetics sector.