04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness
13/06/2024 CosmeticBusiness

Exhibitors Provide Positive Feedback

"Lots of good discussions, a pleasant atmosphere and countless enquiries about new projects" – Exhibitors at this year's CosmeticBusiness were highly satisfied. More CosmeticBusiness 2024 testimonials from exhibitors such as Azelis, Holmen and Seppic can be found in the overview below.

An Opportunity to Present Innovative Technologies and Interact with Customers

Delphine Bony, Marketing Manager, Beauty EMEA, Aptar Beauty: “CosmeticBusiness is an important exhibition for Aptar Beauty to promote its latest innovations in all technologies, mainly Airless dispensers but also Spray Pumps, Lotion Pumps, Droppers, Aerosol and Mini Packaging. It is a good opportunity to exchange with our German customers on concrete projects, but also to meet new prospects and win new customers.”

CosmeticBusiness Is the Foremost Trade Show for Connecting with Small and Medium-Sized Customers

Dr Daniela Weisheit, Business Manager Life Science, Azelis Deutschland GmbH: "CosmeticBusiness is one of the most important local trade shows for us, particularly when it comes to connecting with our small and medium-sized customers and meeting them and their sales teams in person. It's always very interesting for us to see how our customers present their products, as this enables us to continue improving them down the line. It's important for us to see how they present themselves and position their products on the market. Initially, CosmeticBusiness was a small-scale trade show. It has grown and grown over time, attracting new exhibitors. Raw material suppliers were extremely rare in the early days, but that has completely changed. In essence, it remains a trade show where our customers interact with their customers, and that's an excellent concept. I like the way the stage is integrated into the exhibition hall. Incorporating scientific content and trends into presentations enhances the overall experience of the trade show."

CosmeticBusiness: Platform for Trends and Innovative Solutions

Bianca Orgill, Head of Marketing & Sales, Carton Group GmbH: "Carton Group took the decision to participate in CosmeticBusiness. The trade show is the perfect platform for exploring trends, innovative solutions and new opportunities for collaboration with existing and prospective customers and partners. Featuring high-profile industry pioneers such as Alicia Lindner from ANNEMARIE BÖRLIND, the programme capped off the trade show perfectly."

Higher-Calibre Discussions with Visitors

Dennis Kubik, CEO, coobic GmbH: "We view CosmeticBusiness as a central hub for showcasing our consultancy services. The initial interaction at the stand paves the way for more in-depth discussions. What we have noticed this year is that the majority of visitors have distinct requirements and are seeking specific solutions. Last year, we held fewer discussions and these were less meaningful. This year, we have seen an improvement in both the quantity and the quality of the conversations."

CosmeticBusiness Feels Like a Class Reunion

Holger Weidl, Authorised Signatory, Frapak GmbH: "The first day was like a wonderful class reunion – everyone was there. This year, we have seven team members at the stand, as in previous years we had so many interested visitors that we couldn't attend to everyone immediately. That was one thing that was different, but our stand remained busy with visitors throughout the day. Within the German-speaking world, CosmeticBusiness is the leading trade show for primary packaging in the cosmetics sector. Here, 80 per cent of visitors know what they want. We don't often experience that at other trade fairs. I've been with Frapak since 2008 and was involved in CosmeticBusiness right from the start. It is such a well-designed show and this is exactly where our customers are. We would like to see more trade shows like CosmeticBusiness in other countries. We are delighted!"

Start-Up Attracts a Diverse Range of Visitors

Claudio Reinhard, CEO, Gaia Tech start-up: "CosmeticBusiness is a great platform for us, as we are an ingredients provider and many people who come here are looking for exactly that. Having a healthy mix of small and large manufacturers suits us perfectly. We had very inspiring discussions with those who visited our stand. Overall, the size of the show is very convenient. in-cosmetics feels almost overwhelming in comparison. Finding your way around is much easier here. We also had the chance to present on stage. This was an excellent opportunity for us to gain more visibility."

CosmeticBusiness Concept Impresses First-Time Exhibitor

Jana Hogrová, Marketing Manager, Green idea: "CosmeticBusiness was our first international trade show post-pandemic, and it was high time we presented our brand overseas again. We have grown significantly and have many products on offer. Overall, we were highly pleased with those who came to our stand. We really like the concept of the trade show, as it provides a fantastic opportunity to forge valuable business relationships. We would love to come back next year."

A First-Time Exhibitor Connects with a Wide-Ranging Audience

Sabine Schlöglmann, Technical Sales Manager Personal Care, Gustav Grolman Group: "This year is our first time exhibiting at CosmeticBusiness, and we have already had many discussions at our stand, with more meetings to come. I find the trade show very appealing, as it is quite a bit smaller than the likes of in-cosmetics. The attendees are predominantly small and medium-sized customers. That's perfect for us, as I'd rather have ten small customers than one big one."

Cosmetics Is a Big Family and Meets at CosmeticBusiness

Sonja Rum, Sales Director, HCP Germany Cosmetic GmbH & Co. KG: "CosmeticBusiness is very important for us for networking. Cosmetics is a big family, you meet up here, can discuss topics and make contacts that you wouldn't have made otherwise. The trade fair is purely for trade visitors, so you meet the right visitors at the stand. We had very good discussions, from which the next steps are generated."

CosmeticBusiness Is an Important Get-Together in the Munich Area

Cavit Onur, Brand Owner Manager, Holmen Iggesund: "Our paperboard for packaging holds a very strong position in the global cosmetics sector, catering to premium and luxury brands, among others. CosmeticBusiness is an important get-together here in the Munich area where we can meet both regular and new customers, have discussions, work on current issues and initiate new projects. Our aim was to make contact with more brand manufacturers than last year. We succeeded on the very first day, which we were thrilled about. Compared to LUXE PACK or PCD, CosmeticBusiness offers a more intimate, streamlined and relaxed experience. This also means we can take the time to go into more detail during meetings. It's not just a case of seeing and being seen. Instead, we enter into discussions about specific projects."

A First-Time Exhibitor Encounters Many Interested Trade Visitors

Katrin Fehler, Director of Marketing and Sales for Private Labels, KHV Kosmetik GmbH: "We aim to make KHV more recognisable and establish a connection to BÖRLIND with our new slogan, "Your Private Label Partner made by BÖRLIND". That is our big unique selling point. The private-label industry is very competitive, and there are many competitors. Given that, it's essential to get our roots and heritage across. With 60 years of experience in the development of natural cosmetic products, we are able to build on BÖRLIND's experience. CosmeticBusiness offers us the chance to significantly raise our profile. Alicia Lindner's presentation also helped us attract more interest. This became evident at the stand – we had many enquiries about our white label products and the menopause concept. There was a lot of demand, and we handed out sample packs. This platform is perfectly aligned with our goals in the cosmetics industry. Industry professionals are in attendance, and the trade show is a valuable source of customers. However, it also presents an opportunity to build strong connections with the likes of packaging and ingredient suppliers. That said, we are primarily targeting new customers. Many brand-name companies took the initiative and approached us, as did several smaller customers, whom we would not typically have targeted in this way. The show has a great mix of everything, which we really like. We view the trade show as vital for promoting local products in Germany and throughout Europe. CosmeticBusiness is also an ideal size, allowing us to pursue steady and sustainable growth. Every factor must align with our goals and ambitions. Here, we feel we have found the perfect fit for us. We look forward to returning next year!"

Reusable System in High Demand

André Lang-Herfurth, Director of Marketing & Sales and Co-Founder of zerooo, SEA ME GmbH: "As designers of a reusable system for cosmetics retailers and drugstores, it is so important for us to convince both brand and retail partners of the idea to retain resources within fully closed cycles. CosmeticBusiness was the ideal platform to present our concept and hold further talks. It was fantastic that we were able to give a presentation on stage. After the presentation, my colleagues didn't have a minute to spare and spent the entire day talking to interested visitors. This confirms the relevance of our solution and that CosmeticBusiness is the ideal platform to make it accessible to everyone. Our system proved to be of interest to bottlers as well as brand and retail partners. We have secured enough follow-ups for the second half of the year and to take us through to the next CosmeticBusiness event, enabling us to maintain our momentum."

CosmeticBusiness Boasts a Broad Visitor Base

Bettina Barlog, Senior Business Development Manager Beauty Care, SEPPIC GmbH: "For us, CosmeticBusiness is an important local trade show where we can reach our customers from the DACH region. Every year we meet up with established customers as well as making new contacts. A major advantage of CosmeticBusiness is the broad visitor base. Here, we meet not only raw material manufacturers but also packaging suppliers and contract manufacturers. All in all, we once again had many great conversations and are very satisfied overall. The atmosphere here is always very pleasant, and we can find the time to chat with colleagues in the industry."


Nicole Wege
Press Spokesperson
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