J-Beauty Wellness
New Brand Offers Japanese-Style Beauty From Within
Shiseido has announced its new brand "Shiseido Beauty Wellness" (SBW). This marks its entrance into the "Beauty from Within" business. The brand will be launched in Japan in February 2024. More Asian countries are expected to follow in 2025.
Beautiful Skin Needs Harmony of Body and Spirit
According to a survey conducted by the company, 74 per cent of Japanese women between 20 and 60 years of age consider skin, body and spirit to be connected. 72 per cent therefore believe that body care must start from within to preserve outer beauty. For this reason, Shiseido is working together with its partner companies on beauty solutions designed to enable precisely this kind of "care from within". Shiseido thus hopes to establish a new beauty and wellness routine to which the company has given the name "J-Beauty Wellness".
Partners Provide Botanical Expertise
Shiseido's initial research and development partners are the Japanese companies Tsumura and Kagoma. They are specialists in botanical medicines and foods and share the goal of using their products to create harmony of body and spirit.
Source: Shiseido