

25/03/2022 CosmeticBusiness

Costumer Experience in Perfume Stores is Popular

Beauty Alliance Strives to Be a Market Leader For In-Store Retail

Perfume stores working together in the Beauty Alliance Germany have published their 2021 business report. According to information on the group's website, the 231 partners, who operate a total of around 1100 member perfume stores, achieved external sales of about 825 million euros last year. The Alliance reports that despite losses suffered due to COVID-19 restrictions, the financial year was better than expected.

All Members Planned to Be Ready For Multichannel Retailing

The Beauty Alliance reports that its stationary retail suffered slight losses of around five per cent in 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions. This result reportedly was nevertheless five per cent above the market average. Online trading on the other hand was able to grow by 70 per cent. This is considered to be a result of the partners' extended online presence. Digital services will be further expanded during 2022 to give nearly all members and partners an online presence, with almost all the perfume stores in the Alliance capable of operating on a multichannel basis.

The Alliance has announced that they will be strengthening in-store retailing in future. This is the segment where the partners see an opportunity to make full use of their expertise in personal customer contact. The association explains that especially in these times of crisis, its focus on giving competent consumer advice, raising quality awareness and prioritising services has proved successful.

Well-Being and Personal Treats as USP

The association sees customer experience and a high level of service as its unique selling points. According to the Beauty Alliance, its locations now offer a total of over 1,050 cosmetics lounges and cabins to meet consumer demand for indulgent and feel-good experiences. The Alliance plans to acquire external cosmetics institutes in order to continue the professionalisation and expansion of its services. In 2022, this is expected to increase the number of new partners among studios, institutes and cosmetics schools by between 1,000 and 2,000, with the aim of forming a new association.

By extending its retail network, the Beauty Alliance claims that it aims to become the market leader in stationary retail in the next few years.

Source: Beauty Alliance Photo: Adobe, olly

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