

12/04/2022 CosmeticBusiness

Consumers Can Be Perfumers

The Scentist Enables the Creation of Unique Fragrances Using a Digital Personality Test

Cologne start-up company The Scentist has announced the launch of the world's first digital fragrance brand. Perfume developers from Parfumlovers Cologne are behind the brand that aims to combine perfume creation and personal consumer preferences to offer individually tailored fragrances.

DIY Personal Perfume

Perfumers and IT specialists at The Scentist spent three years developing a method to enable anyone to create a worldwide unique and exclusive fragrance, the company says. The manufacturer's idea is that consumers can fabricate a personal perfume all by themselves using specially developed digital technology.

The Scentist explains that an image-based, digital personality test is carried out to analyse individual preferences for food, travel, furnishings and more. It is intended to identify personal tastes such as colour fascinations, favourite holiday atmosphere and general lifestyle for each consumer. The digital technology also takes skin type into consideration. The personal responses made during the computerised interview are evaluated using algorithms and machine-learning database systems before being aligned with expert data supplied by international perfumers in The Scentist's own software.

Online and In-Store Use

The Scentist – a portmanteau combining "scent" and "scientist" – is based on an AI-controlled, machine learning system that is continuously changing, the supplier explains. Consumers can create a perfume online on the brand's website. The company also plans to offer this innovative shopping experience to consumers as a shop-in-shop system at perfume retail stores. In April, The Scentist will be demonstrating how this can be implemented in retail outlets at a four-week pop-up store in the Hohen Straße in Cologne.

Source, photo: The Scentist

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